
Black-footed Cat (Felis nigripes) veterinarian, Arne Lawrenz, biologists, Alex Sliwa and Martina Kusters, and veterinarian, Melyssa Van Heerden, walking through Kalahari thornveld savanna, Benfontein Nature Reserve, South Africa
© Sebastian Kennerknecht 5020x3347 / 13.1MB
Acacia, Acacia sp, Adult, Africa, Alex Sliwa, Angiosperm, Animal, Arne Lawrenz, Backside, Benfontein Nature Reserve, Biologist, Black-footed Cat, Car, Carnivoran, Cat, Caucasian Appearance, Chat a Pieds Noirs, Color Photograph, Day, Eudicot, Fabaceae, Felid, Felidae, Felis nigripes, Felis sp, Female, Flora, Four People, Full Length, Gato Patinegro, Gato de Pies Negros, Grassland, High Angle View, Horizontal, Ingwe Yeziduli, Kalahari Thornveld, Klein Gekolde Kat, Koirus, Lotosi, Male, Mammal, Man, Martina Kusters, Melyssa Van Heerden, Mid Adult, Miershooptier, Minden Submission 033, Nature Reserve, Outdoors, Pickup Truck, Plant, Rear View, Researcher, Savanna, Schwarzfusskatze, Scientist, Sebala, Small Cat, Small Cats, Small Spotted Cat, South Africa, Southern Africa, Swart Poot Kat, Threatened, Threatened Species, Tutchu, Vehicle, Veterinarian, Vulnerable, Vulnerable Species, Walking, Wild Cat, Wildlife, Woman, Young Adult