
Black-footed Cat (Felis nigripes) conservationist and farmer, Nikki Gibbs, holding female during collaring and being photographed, Benfontein Nature Reserve, South Africa
© Sebastian Kennerknecht 5184x3456 / 7.2MB
Adult, Africa, Animal, Benfontein Nature Reserve, Black-footed Cat, Carnivoran, Carrying, Cat, Caucasian Appearance, Cell Phone, Chat a Pieds Noirs, Collaring, Color Photograph, Conservationist, Day, Farmer, Felid, Felidae, Felis nigripes, Felis sp, Female, Front View, Full Length, Gato Patinegro, Gato de Pies Negros, Hand, Holding, Horizontal, Ingwe Yeziduli, Klein Gekolde Kat, Koirus, Leia, Lotosi, Male, Mammal, Miershooptier, Minden Submission 033, Nature Reserve, Nikki Gibbs, One Animal, Outdoors, Photographing, Research, Researching, Schwarzfusskatze, Science, Sebala, Sedated, Side View, Small Cat, Small Cats, Small Spotted Cat, Smiling, South Africa, Southern Africa, Swart Poot Kat, Telephone, Threatened, Threatened Species, Tutchu, Two People, Vulnerable, Vulnerable Species, Waist Up, Wild Cat, Wildlife, Woman, Young Adult